
Alternative Physical Medicine of Colorado, 4925 S Santa Fe Dr Unit 300
Littleton, CO. 80120

address (303) 794-5255

Dr. Ron Spallone


Denver Chiropractor Agrees with Harvard Researchers: Chiropractic "Highly Cost-Effective" Versus MD Treatment for Low Back Pain and Neck Pain


As a chiropractor in Denver for over a decade, I’ve tried maintain my finger on the pulse of the local natural health community. The current economy has caused us all to become more frugal. Accordingly, I ran across an interesting study that looks at the cost-effectiveness of chiropractic care vs. medical care for the treatment of low back pain and neck pain.

The study was headed up by Harvard’s Niteesh Choudhry, MD, PhD and Pacific Business Group on Health medical director Arnold Milstein, MD, MPH. and attempts to shed light on the take on the often asked question: Are the covered services of chiropractors more effective and cost-effective than those of medical doctors?

The answers were mixed but with a very strong tilt in the direction of chiropractic, especially if the cost of drugs are factored in. The Harvard researchers opened their report with an eye-opening statement revealing just how big this problem is- “Low back pain and neck pain are extremely common conditions that consume large amounts of health care resources.” 26% of the population has low back pain and 14% have neck pain in a given 3 month period. Half of us with chronic low back seek chiropractic care and  $85 billion a year is spent on low back pain alone.

It was noted in the article that in terms of effectiveness, chiropractic is more effective than other modalities for treating low back and neck pain. I know there are Colorado chiropractors that remember a study by the government in Canada on a similar but grander scale, entitled “The Manga Report.” In agreement of the Harvard study, the Canadian study showed that there is “an overwhelming body of evidence indicating that chiropractic management of low back pain is more cost-effective than medical management.”

The in depth investigation reviewed numerous studies that range from very persuasive to convincing in support of this conclusion. Landmark observations were made and Dr. Manga, PhD. stated, “a very good case can be made for making chiropractors the gatekeepers for management of low-back pain in the workers’ compensation system in Ontario.” It would seem appropriate that chiropractors in Colorado could make a difference in the economical and social impact of low back and neck pain treatment.

Ron Spallone




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Client Testimonials

I know with back pain it can be hard to even get out of bed sometimes so seeing that others have had such good results with chiropractic treatment really gives me hope that we will get this pain gone!
